Friday, September 30, 2016

Acupuncture for Effective Weight Loss

In a generation when physical fitness is given topmost attention, people are always on the lookout for the newest and most effective means for weight loss. Acupuncture, the method of inserting thin, filiform needles on certain points in an individual’s body, has been found to be one effectual method for losing weight. 

Not many people may find the idea of being inserted by needles quite comforting in their quest for weight control. However, this ancient Chinese alternative treatment seeks to deliver a control mechanism, enabling the patient to manage hunger cravings more successfully in the long run.

The Skinny on Acupuncture Weight Loss

It has been found that weight gain is directly related to emotions.  Other than physical hunger, people reach for a huge chocolate bar or a big platter of burger and fries because of the sense of comfort derived from food and eating. More often than not, excessive weight gain is an emotional issue, rather than a mere physical one. You may not realize it, but you tend to take in more food whenever you’re stressed, upset, or pressured. 

In Acupuncture, there are specific spots on the body being targeted by the hair-like needles. These spots are linked to certain areas in the body and by stimulating these spots; the patient will achieve a greater sense of inner balance. As these points are inserted by the needles, certain hormones are released throughout the body. These substances work by helping you manage hunger and efficiently control the impulse to overeat. 

How Acupuncture Induces Weight Loss

Most acupuncturists will target the spots behind the ear when it comes to promoting weight loss. When these points behind the ear are stimulated, endorphins are released in large doses. Endorphins are called the feel-good hormones, and these are also often referred to as natural pain and fever relievers. The release of endorphins is what makes you feel better after an increased level of physical activity, as in the case of a good workout. 

These bodily compounds allow the patient to experience better relaxation, thus considerably alleviating stress. There is a greater possibility of enhanced weight loss when the patient has already achieved emotional wellness. Endorphins are also released whenever the body experiences low levels of bodily pain, thus their moniker as a natural pain reliever. 

Patients of acupuncture typically experience very minimal or no pain at all, however most of the points are located near nerve endings and muscle tissues. As the needles are embedded in the body, signals are sent to the brain thus promoting the release of endorphins from the pituitary gland.

There are also other points in the body that serve as gateways for better weight management. One of these placements promotes a decrease in an individual’s appetite, while another has the ability to reduce water retention in the body. The acupuncturist may choose a multi-targeted approach, depending on the requirements of the patient. 

Consulting with a Professional Acupuncturist

There are a number of acupuncture practitioners in existence nowadays, offering a host of services. If you are considering this form treatment for your weight management, make sure that you settle with no less than a trained and professional acupuncturist. A poorly trained acupuncturist may not be able to pinpoint the specific meridian points and worse, may cause unnecessary bodily pain and discomfort. 

Moreover, your acupuncturist may require an herbal supplement for your treatment, to encourage a longer-term effect. Your sessions need not be maintained for an extensive period; however you may be required to visit your acupuncturist during the entire course of the sessions.

There are other means for losing weight successfully, and this does not include crash dieting and strenuous work outs. If carried out by trained professionals, acupuncture can be the answer for effective weight management. While it is far from being a cure-all, it may just be the right weight loss solution for you. 
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Acupuncture For All Those Simple Aches And Pains

If, like me, you have quite a fear of needles and injections, then acupuncture, that practice of sticking needles onto different parts of your body to cure sicknesses might seem scary at first.

However, if you've been long been suffering from some problems like headaches or chronic pains and your regular visits to the doctor don't seem to be helping you, then why not consider a trip to an acupuncture specialist? After all, who hasn't heard of somebody's aunt somewhere suffering from arthritis and trying out everything that the doctors recommended all to no avail, only to finally be cured by a really good acupuncturist?

Perhaps you were wondering if it could actually work for you. You might feel a bit skeptical since traditional Chinese medicine doesn't immediately coincide with theories in modern Western medicine. In fact, the use of needles to cure people was discovered thousands of years ago in China long before microscopes or x-ray machines were invented or before bacteria and germs were discovered.

When you think about it, that might be something that the practice has going for it. If it has existed already for thousands of years and is still being practiced by millions up to now, then it must have worked already for quite a number of people.

What typically happens when you go to an acupuncturist?

When you go to an acupuncturist, you would typically first be asked about your medical history, how you're feeling and any symptoms of sicknesses you might have. The specialist would observe features of your face, including your tongue. According to specialists, your tongue is a good indicator of the health of your internal organs. The acupuncturist would listen to sounds that your body makes like the sounds coming from your lungs. How your body smells could also be an indicator of your overall health for the acupuncturist's diagnosis.

Based on what the acupuncturist finds out about your sickness, he or she would then formulate the treatment that your body needs. With traditional Chinese medicine, sicknesses are seen as a kind of imbalance and loss of harmony between your bodies' organs. You can consider the use of needles on your body as just a way to push your body and its organs back into balance.

The specialist would begin inserting very thin needles into the right places in your body. To many people, inserting these needles doesn't really hurt. After all, an acupuncturist's needles are usually much thinner than the needles that are used for injections. Many have claimed that inserting these needles actually calms them down and relaxes them.

How does the use of these needles help you?

A lot of problems have been claimed to have been alleviated through this practice. These include headaches, the common cold, arthritis, back pains, asthma and even infertility. 

Even though acupuncture isn't part of Western medicine, Western medicine experts have studied it extensively. Some theories as to why it works involve acupuncture perhaps stimulating the brain's release of the body's natural painkillers. Acupuncture could also stimulate proper circulation in the human body.

Western medicine is still studying acupuncture and trying to find out how to best integrate it with practices in Western medicine. That is why, along with Western medicine and trips to the doctor, one could certainly try acupuncture.

It couldn't hurt and it might actually be the one to finally relieve you of a lot of your body's aches and pains and even make you healthier.
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