Friday, May 12, 2017

Acupuncture, Is It A Safe Alternative?

Among Asian countries, acupuncture is a very popular alternative pain relief means.  It has been slowly gaining a following in western countries.  Although there is a lack of scientific evidence to explain the efficacy of this treatment, people in the medical field are suggesting this form of treatment to their patients..

Acupuncture is an ancient Asian medicinal art devised 5,000 years ago that involves the use of thin, cylindrical needles that are inserted into specific portions of the body called acupuncture points.  Acupuncture points are said to be scattered all over the body and corresponds to different parts of the body.  The aim of using acupuncture is to restore health and well-being.  Acupuncture is also said to reduce pain and/or induce anesthesia.

Licensed acupuncturists explain that when the needle is inserted into an acupuncture point, there is an increase in blood flow to the area.  Meridians along the acupuncture points in the body are stimulated as the blood flows around the body.  Acupuncture has been proven effective for a number of ailments including: nausea, chronic pain especially in the lower back area, neck pain and headaches.  However,  acupuncturists are unsure as to how this helps alleviate pain, they find that when they insert needles in certain acupuncture points, the pain goes away.  It is because of this lack of explanation that some health professionals raise eyebrows on this form of alternative pain relief method.

There are several ways that acupuncture works to reduce chronic pain. One is to work through the meridians, and increase certain energy centers in the body. As an example, if someone has chronic pain, we would want to stimulate the kidney centres in the body; kidney meridians. If someone has a specific musculoskeletal pain, let's say just a spot in the shoulder, we may want to inject just a couple of needles touching each other, and use electrostimulation to reduce inflammation in that area.

Acupuncture is a generally safe treatment to administer to a patient's body.  It has a very low risk profile and a particularly high success rate.  However, the biggest risk factor lies on the person performing the procedure.  The acupuncture practitioner must be well-trained and licensed to work on 1a patient.  They must know where the acupuncture points are in order to know where the needles should be strategically inserted.  If an untrained person inserts a needle into the spinal cord, or the lungs, there is bound to be a problem to come up.

Unlike other pain reduction and pain management treatments, acupuncture is fairly non-invasive and non-habit forming.  It requires no prescription medications which may cause dependence if used continuously in high doses.  Unlike surgery, you don't have to be cut open during the procedure, and bleeding is very minimal.  Not only does it alleviate pain, it also increases the body's energy level by stimulating the meridian points.  It brings the body into homeostasis and allows people to feel better with very little to no pain at all.
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Acupuncture - Fast Escape From Infertility

Primarily a Chinese remedy, acupuncture is a complementary modern treatment that cures infertility problems in both men and women. Acupuncture for infertility is most effective for those people who are suffering from problems like irregular ovulation, or blockage in the sperm ducts. 

Acupuncture works in a way different from all types of typical medicines

Acupuncture fertility works in this way. Often there are obstructed movements in the meridians that run throughout the length of the body. These obstructed movements cause swelling up of energy in some parts of reproductive organs while others get deprived from such energy conjures. Acupuncture works by placing needles on these blocked sites and stimulate the nervous system to release chemicals to the reproductive organs. This releases the required amount of energy to cure infertility in both men and women.

Acupuncture brings miraculous cure to men and women suffering from infertility

If you are thinking how acupuncture and infertility works for one another then the answer is simple. Acupuncture aids in regular flow of blood to the reproductive organs and instantly stabilizes the hormone levels, which in turn increases ovarian function in women and rapid sperm production in men. 

Acupuncture uses several methods for curing infertility. You either need to take Chinese herbal medicines that are capable of replenishing the Kidney or apply acupuncture under the feet, behind the ears, near genital organs and on your palms to get relieve from infertility.

Acupuncture does not work with only needles but also provides aid with other special treatments like in-vitrio fertilization [IVF] and intra-cytoplasmic sperm injection [ICSI] for acupuncture fertility. Organizations like the Atlanta acupuncture for infertility pregnancy also offers acupuncture and electro-acupuncture methods for treating infertility. 

Know more about the success rate of acupuncture from reducing infertility

Reports say that at least 90% of women undergoing acupuncture get cured from infertility problems, polycystic ovarian syndromes [PCOS], excess pelvic pain and severe intercourse pains. However, reports also say that even 86% of men have been cured of all unusual reproductive problems with the aid of acupuncture. 

Infertility and acupuncture go hand in hand. So try acupuncture to get miraculous escape from infertility.
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Ancient Chinese Healing Method for Stress and Disease

Acupuncture, as an alternative medical practice, is now making headway in the Western world. It is now accepted as a drug-free treatment and method of stress relief.  Practiced in China for more than 2,000 years, acupuncture is a therapeutic system that makes use of sterilized needles for the purpose of restoring the body’s equilibrium.  The needles are inserted on specific vital points that correspond to a specific internal organ.  The light insertion of the needle into a vital point is supposed to free the flow of internal energy or “chi.”   According to Chinese medical theory, any blockage in the flow of chi in the body’s “energy streams” or meridians can an imbalance in the body --- resulting to an illness.  The natural flow of chi ensures a person's general state of health. The focus of acupuncture is on restoring harmony in the flow of the chi throughout the body and, in the process, balancing the metaphysical concepts of yin and yang.

Acupuncture is used to treat a wide range of ailments such as nausea, sinusitis, migraine headaches, lower back pain, knee pain, and chronic pain. Ancient Chinese texts also claim that the acupuncture can be used to treat minor mental and emotional problem such as anxiety disorder.  For this reason, some even compare the Traditional Chinese Medicine method of acupuncture to the Western medical discipline of psychology.  Both are seen as similar disciplines or therapy methods that have a positive effect on the mental health of patients. 

The true benefits of acupuncture are found in its efficacy as a non-invasive, drug-free means of alleviating a number of physical ailments. It is also used in conjunction with traditional Chinese herbal cures that are perceived to be as effective as modern pills and medication. Acupuncture is concerned not only with providing cure to specific ailments. It is also used to determine the causes of physical discomforts and illnesses. Acupuncture practitioners make use of body charts that show the meridians or channels where internal energy flows to different parts of the body. These meridians correspond to the Western medicine layout of the central nervous system and circulatory system. 

Studies are still being made by Western doctors and other scientists to determine the efficacy of this Eastern alternative form of healing. Even if acupuncture already accepted in different parts of the world as an alternative healing method, some quarters are still skeptical about its long-term effects.

While there are still no research findings that make the curative claims about acupuncture absolutely undisputable, it is interesting to note the depth of understanding that the Chinese had about the inner workings of the human body thousands of years before the formal organization and practice of Western medicine.  Perhaps, one day, scientists will finally prove that the differences between Eastern and Western medicine is found mostly in culture and terminology; and that both systems are actually alike in terms of philosophy and theory in the use of the needle as a tool for healing.
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